Tuesday, 27 August 2013

How to tell if she wants a kiss.

When it comes to guys getting the first kiss right, some factors have to be taken into consideration. In most cases, a lady will not ask you for a kiss and you have to take the initiative yourself. However, care must be taken not to ruin a date with an ill-timed kiss as you can never give a first impression twice. Below are some useful tips for guys to know when a lady is ready to be kissed. Hope you find it useful!

1. Hug response
 One way to learn about how a woman feels about you is to assess the hug response. When saying hello or goodbye, keep the embrace short and look for non-verbal feedback. Does she linger a bit and press into you? If so, you might even be able to get the first kiss there and then but if she gives you a "partial contact" hug, you might have to put that kiss on hold.

2. The flow of conversation turns romantic
When you're talking to her and the conversation between both of you moves from general to more intimate topics, it's because she has romance on her mind and it's a sure sign that she is just waiting to be kissed.

3. She looks at you directly in the eyes and doesn't look away
Another good sign that she's ready to be kissed is when you're talking to her and she stares into your eyes for longer than normal duration and she scans you up and down, keeping her eyes locked on you and your lips while she talks or drinks. At this point, she’s comfortable being with you and has already made up her mind that she likes what she sees. 

4. She’s very flirty and physical with you
When a woman enters your personal space and begins twirling her hair in her fingers and touching you more often in different places, she’s inviting a response and trying to become more intimate with you. If she wants you to kiss her, she'll also do things like coyly smiling at you more often and discreetly exposing more skin to you.

5. She's comfortable with you touching her
If you reach up and brush her hair with your hand (especially the hair by the face) and she doesn't pull away or give you an awkward look, then chances are she's open to being kissed!

6. She draws attention to her mouth and lips
A woman's lips can be extremely seductive and there is a tremendous amount of flirtatious energy tied up in them. If she is talking to you and she starts running her finger across her lips or leans her head toward you with her lips pouting and subtly puckered up, she's ready to be kissed. The more aroused she is, the more aware of her lips she becomes and that's when your kiss will be most welcome.

7. She has an increased "heart beat rate"
 When she has an increased breathing especially when you touch her, it's a "ready to be kissed" indicator! This is as a result of the built-up emotions inside her that she wants to let out and this can be observed better when you are sitting close to her. This particular sign is my personal secret which has been working for me for years but it takes time to master and you must also have a high level of intuition to successfully identify this.

From experience and research, when a lady shows three or more of the above signs, it's a green light for a kiss. Don't dull! Get that kiss today!

PS: Appreciating all the ladies who contributed to this post viz. Chizoba, Imaobong and Uzoma. Also acknowledging other sources. Thank you all!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Marriage application form

Hello peeps! For all singles out there, this is a funny piece. Enjoy! Lol!


I _______________hereby apply to marry your
daughter Sir
I am _____ years old.  Please answer the following questions honestly
1. Do you go to church?
2. Do you have a degree or diploma?
3. Are you still a virgin? Yes/No
4. Are you working?
5. Do you have a car?
If your answer to any of the above questions was NO
Do NOT continue. Leave my house and don't look
If all your answers were YES, Then continue
1. In 50 words or more, Describe the
disadvantages of cheating in marriage ____________________ ____________________
2. With the aid of a diagram, Explain how you can
give respect to your father in-law and mother in-law
3. Suppose your wife says "Honey I need money
for my hair-style at the saloon", what would you
answer? ____________________ ____________________ 4. Explain any TEN causes of divorce________
5. What does the term 'good husband' mean to
you? ____________________________________
6. Do you have both dad and mum?
Yes/No If No explain why?
7.Were your parents legally married?
If YES for how long?
If the time of their marriage is less than your age,
Explain why you were born out of wedlock 8. Explain the meaning of ''COME HOME EARLY" As
used by women (100 words)
9. Give any THREE reasons that can cause a man to
sleep outside his house
10. In case of divorce, Who do you think is
the owner of the kids between father and mother?
Answer the following by Yes or No
1. Do you drink alcohol?
2. Do you smoke?
3. Are you short-tempered? Yes/No
1. When can you be free for interviews?____
2. When is the best time to interview your dad?
3. When can I interview your mum?___________
4. When can I interview your church pastor?
5. Please stick your passport size photo below
Which will be put in newspaper to check if you
have other girlfriends Sign here: ___________
Sign again: __________
Thank you for showing interest in my daughter
Your application will be processed in 4years time.
You will be acknowledged only if you emerge
successful as you are waiting
Please don't call me
Don't visit me
Don't contact my daughter
If u do you will be disqualified
Leave your details in case I need to ask you more questions
Postal Address: ______________________
Email: ______________________
Phone: ______________________
Facebook: ______________________

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Christian pickup line

Saw this really cool post on Facebook and i decided to share it here. For the Christian brothers, this could be really helpful.

Boy: Do you have a boyfriend?
Girl: Nope. I don't want to have a boyfriend.
Boy: Gen. 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Girl: But I don't love you.
Boy: 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God
is love."
Girl: And how do I know you mean those words.
Boy: Matthew 12:34b " For out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaks."
Girl: But how can I be sure that you're loyal and honest?
Boy: Mark 13:31 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."
Girl: But why me? There are a lot of girls out there.
Boy: Proverbs 31:29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
Girl: But what is in me that you like?
Boy: Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you."
Girl: But I'm not all that beautiful...you 're exaggerating.
Boy: Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a
woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Girl: What happens if I say yes.
Boy: Genesis 2:24 "Therefore man shall leave his father and his mother and
hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
Girl: How come you know the scriptures this much.
Boy: Joshua 1:8 " This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success."
Girl: wooow, I can see u really love God.
Boy: Psalm 34:8 "Oh, taste and see
that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man
who takes refuge in Him. #copied   

Saturday, 17 August 2013


Tolerance is the virtue of a civilized age. It is the virtue that helps us to put up with those, who have different ways and opinions, and outlook on life. It enables us to see always the other side of things, to suffer fools with patience, fanatics without losing out temper.
Voltaire once said: What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature.
In earlier days, difference in religion led to prosecution; difference in politics created bad blood, and difference in opinions ended in blows. This is intolerance, the refusal to be just and fair-minded. A whole community might be massacred in the name of God. Even today, purges for political opinions have not been banished from society. Intolerance comes from bigotry, narrowness and blind self-conceit. It is the result of dogmatism, a belief that there is only one attitude that is right.

Tolerance is not only an abstract virtue; it is of considerable influence in the current affairs of life. Man is a social being and has to live in a spirit of harmony and co-operation with others. In this process some amount of give-and-take is necessary, a capacity for compromise.

We cannot persuade others unless we ourselves are at the same time ready to be persuaded by practicing sweet reasonable­ness. Thus it will be seen that tolerance as a social virtue, is opposed to dogmatism or dictatorship. It is impossible for one to be tolerant if one is hide-bound and rigid in views or full of prejudices.

ntolerance leads to the worst kinds of disaster. In the mythology and history we can find many horrible acts of intolerance. Cain killed his elder brother Abel, because he could not bear the importance of Able in the eye of God. The Catholic queen Mary of Great Britain burnt the Protestants alive, because she could not tolerate the Puritanism. Aurangzeb killed Hindus under the feet of elephants, because he could not tolerate Hinduism. Sometimes we quarrel with others owing to such intolerance. Many of our enemies are the outcome of our intolerance. We cannot deliver justice, because we are intolerant to hearing the views which are different for ours. So, intolerance is a very bad quality.
In personal life, in our daily dealings, we shall have to be long-bearing. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wanted that one should be as tolerant as the tree that does not withdraw shade even to the wood-cutter.There is no doubt that tolerance is a very necessary quality of our every day life. If we culture tolerance we will be free from all the pain of envy within ourselves. Then our soul will live in peace and happiness.